The Defense's Opening Statement

How does Jessica use Ethos, Pathos and/or Logos in the defense's opening Statement?


I choose to watch the film of the defense’s opening statement and explain how ethos, pathos and logos were used. I believe that ethos was the center of the opening statement. The defense displayed how the defendant is kind and caring individual. Then, they expanded on this by saying she has received awards, employed the homeless and even put a roof over the heads of those less fortunate. The defense also did a very good job explaining how she was a trustworthy and respectful person. This was the use of pathos in the opening statement. When it came to logos in the opening statement it was kind of hard to capture how she did that. I think it was right in the beginning was she telling us how the prosecution was going try to manipulate the facts so that the jury would see Sandy Townsend as guilty.

Article written by MSTC Student, James Frost