Jury Duty Meeting

The members of the Jury for the Mock Trial attended a meeting to get advice and information about Jury Duty. I attended this meeting and I ended up learning a lot of new things that I never knew before. 

There are many responsibilities of being part of a jury.  First, a major responsibility of a jury member is that you must be honest and truthful. Another responsibility is that you must be able to pay close attention and listen to details with an open mind. The jury has to identify the difference between fact and opinion or in other words, hearsay (what you hear through someone else).  The jury must dress nice; there isn’t an exact dress code but ‘dress to impress’. The jury needs to decide decisions beyond reasonable doubt. More then what the jury hears is going to impact what they think.  This is why, like I mentioned before, jurors need to go into the court room with an open mind and not knowing the defendant or plaintiff.  

Article written by Sadie Daniels, Oral/Interpersonal Communication Student, MSTC
