Mickey also said when she heard Townsend and her mother yelling, Mickey saw Gonzalez and Townsend talking in the front. Then they both went to the back, where Terese had been. Mickey gave convincing testimony that Townsend murdered Terese Jameson.
During the mock trial Mickey Jameson daughter of deceased Teresa Jameson was the third witness. She used many fallacies during her testimony. Mickey made a hasty generalization in assuming that because they were going to speak on such an issue that they would automatically argue. Mickey was the only one that heard them arguing, not even Pat Gonzalez the meat delivery driver, who was in the back near the dumpster heard them arguing. Mickey never seen them arguing and could not hear anything being said.
Mickey also used a cause and effect fallacy. Just because Sandy was holding a stone, does not mean she killed Teresa Jameson. Just because Sandy and Teresa were arguing does not mean Sandy killed Teresa. Although Sandy was in the alley when Mickey went to back, does not mean that Sandy killed her mother. Mickey had no emotion while on the stand and many times laughed and seemed not to care. Mickey's testimony did not help the jury to see Sandy Townsend as guilty.
Pathos was used during the mock trial as Mickey Jameson took the stand and spoke in regards to her deceased mother. Mickey shows compassion and respect for her recently deceased mother. She seemed to give honest answers and remained calm throughout the questioning.
In the witness trial with Mickey Jameson, she reported how her mother did go behind the café to talk with Townsend, and used ethos by testifying that when she went to the back to try to get in the back door, she saw Townsend throw a rock in the dumpster that her mother was later discovered in, and said she didn’t know where Terese was.
Mickey also said when she heard Townsend and her mother yelling, Mickey saw Gonzalez and Townsend talking in the front. Then they both went to the back, where Terese had been. Mickey gave convincing testimony that Townsend murdered Terese Jameson.
Article submitted by MSTC Student, Megan Zarecki
Mickey also used a cause and effect fallacy. Just because Sandy was holding a stone, does not mean she killed Teresa Jameson. Just because Sandy and Teresa were arguing does not mean Sandy killed Teresa. Although Sandy was in the alley when Mickey went to back, does not mean that Sandy killed her mother. Mickey had no emotion while on the stand and many times laughed and seemed not to care. Mickey's testimony did not help the jury to see Sandy Townsend as guilty.
Submitted by MSTC Student, Sean Pierre Hamilton
Article submitted by MSTC Student, Trisha Will