
On November 22nd, 1997 Milan Jackson died due to falling off a clock tower. She had been forced to drink that night. She wanted to prove to everyone that she could do anything that they asked her to do. She wanted to appear like a tough cookie. She was told by Chris Archer to take the flag and hang it. But to her dismay, she did not get all the important instructions and she decided to run off and get this out of the way. She wanted to feel accepted, so she headed towards the clock tower. If she did it she would prove to her fraternity that she was invincible. She got to the top and was really drunk and supposedly lost her balance and fell. Chris Archer tried to grab her shoulder to save her but apparently it was too late.
How the defending attorneys used Logos in their persuasive arguments was by stating the facts that happened. They stated that Milan Jackson’s blood alcohol level was .10. The legal limit is supposed to be .08. They also stated that Chris Archer couldn’t be accused of first degree murder because there weren’t significant facts to prove it and there wasn’t that many witnesses that saw what happened. The prosecuting attorney’s stated, using logic, that Chris Archer was accused of involuntary manslaughter by telling Milan to do something and that it would be special for everyone without giving her all the proper instruction. They said that Chris Archer knew Milan was intoxicated and that she would do anything just to please people and that Chris didn’t plan this but she just hoped for the worse. The jury ruled this to be involuntary manslaughter. They also stated that as Chris being the head of the fraternity, she was accused of hazing through pushing Milan Jackson to do unreasonable acts to be a part of the fraternity. This is how the defending and prosecuting attorneys persuaded the jury and proved their points.
MSTC Student, Delita
