Let's meet our attorneys.....

The "dream team" looks like they are ready to win this case and convict Sandy Townsend. Will they? Or will the defense win? 

The defense team also looks ready to make sure their client, Sandy Townsend, doesn't go to jail for something he didn't do.
Before the trial, an interview was conducted with Sage, one of the prosecuting attorneys, by one of her fellow Written Communication Classmates. Let's see what Sage has to say about this case.....

My first question to Sage was, what is your role in this trial?

“I am the same as Bryce, a District Attorney of the Prosecution. I am trying to find Sand Townsend guilty of murder”.

Who or what are you doing this for?

“I am doing this for Mickey Jameson the 15 year-old who now has no mother and no family to care for him. It brings a tear to my eye just talking about this”.

Wow, you have a really big heart, Sage! Last question before I leave, how do you think this trial will go?

“The Defendant will lose”.

Thank you for your time, Sage

“You are welcome”.

Interview conducted by Michael, an MSTC Student 
