Court Room Decorum


It is hereby ordered that the following rules are adopted for all Branches for Portage County subject to further order of the court.
Courtroom Decorum

1.  Court shall be formally opened each day upon which court business is transacted, either by the bailiff or the Clerk of Courts.

2.  As the Judge enters the court room the bailiff or Clerk of Court shall require all present to arise and stand. When the Judge has reached the bench the bailiff or the Clerk of Court shall say "Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! The Circuit Court for the County of Portage is now open. Silence is commanded." All shall be seated and the business of the court shall proceed. Proper order and decorum shall be required of all in attendance at the court.

3.  In the recessing the Judge shall announce: "The court is now in recess."

4.  When the trial is to a jury, the jurors shall take their places in the Jury box before the Judge enters the court room.

5.  The flag of the United States shall, at all times while court is in session be displayed at, on, or in close proximity to the bench, on a standard to the right of the Judge.

6.  Lawyers may never lean upon the bench nor appear to engage the court in a manner which would lessen the dignity of the proceedings in the eyes of the Jury and Public.

7.  Lawyers shall examine witnesses from a position at the counsel table except when handling exhibits, unless a lectern is provided by the court, in which case the examination shall be either from said position at the counsel table or the lectern. Lawyers may either stand while examining a witness from the counsel table or remain seated there. In no case shall a lawyer crowd the witness stand in examining a witness.

8.  Lawyers should not, in addressing the jury, crowd the jury box.

9.  Lawyers, during trial, shall not exhibit familiarity with the court, witnesses, jurors or opposing counsel and generally the use of first names shall be avoided. Adult females shall be addressed with the title Ms.

10.  All lawyers and court officers shall wear coats while in attendance upon the court, provided judicial discretion may be exercised otherwise in extreme situations.

11.  Lawyers shall advise their clients and witnesses of the formalities of the Court, and seek their full cooperation therewith. (It is not contemplated the lawyers try to get clients and witnesses to wear coats but some advice to clients and witnesses as to general formality might be advisable.)

12.  Witnesses shall be examined with courtesy and respect, and their good faith presumed until the contrary appears.

13.  The swearing of witnesses shall be an impressive ceremony and not a mere formality.
In jury cases which are disposed of upon a motion for nonsuit or directed verdict, the judge, in dismissing the jury, should briefly explain the procedure and why a verdict was unnecessary.

14.  In criminal cases, the defendant shall stand with his attorney before the bench at the time of arraignment, and at the time of passing sentence.

15.  The Judge shall wear a robe while presiding on the bench, provided that judicial discretion may be exercised otherwise in proper situations.

16.  There shall be no smoking or eating in the court room at any time. Drinking water may be available to jurors and participants in the trial. There shall be no smoking in jury rooms.

For additional information, you can review the Portage County Web Site.
