No Signs of Struggle

The prosecutor attorney stated that Ashley was sexually assaulted by Michael with 1st degree sexual assault with excessive force. One of the most important events of this assault was that Ashley had claimed that Michael had forced her with excessive force to have sexual intercourse with him. The police detective in charge of Ashley’s case was brought to the stand for questioning. What the detective found in his investigation was that there were no signs of struggle at Michael’s apartment where the assault was committed. When the detective tried to take pictures of Ashley’s bruises which were claimed to be caused from Michael holding her down, the bruises were so faint to where it couldn’t be seen clearly in the picture. The bruises were so faint in the picture and ultimately made the pictures useless as evidence in the case. One of the biggest fallacies in this case was that the prosecutor had called the detective for questioning against the defendant Michael, but through his investigation he had concluded that there were no signs of struggles and through his experiences the charges may have been brought up due to anger from the prosecutor.

Submitted by MSTC Student, Chee
