A tension filled day in the courtroom

There was noticeable stress in the courtroom today as prosecuting attorneys tried desperately to prove their case against defense attorneys for Sandy Townsend. 
Prosecuting attorneys used, “Ethos and Pathos” in their description of Therese in their opening statement as being an innocent, and homeless single mother. Then the defense attorneys countered with their witness, “Jean Wilder” whom rented from Sandy Townsend. She stated that she was raising five children on her own after her husband was killed by a drunk driver and Sandy was very kind to give her a break in her rent. Both parties were trying to gain the compassion of the jurors by trying to prove the moral character of their clients’. 
There was an overwhelming amount of confidence and determination in the deliverance by all parties involved.  However, jurors did not feel as though the prosecuting attorneys effectively proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt. As a result the judgment of not guilty was rendered and Sandy Townsend was set free.

Article Submitted by MSTC Student, Deborah
