Read the inside scoop from the prosecuting attorney Sage

As an attorney in the mock trial assignment, I was required to write an opening statement, examine two witnesses and also cross-examine a witness. I was assigned the roll of attorney but I coordinated with my fellow attorneys to decide whom I would be examining. We worked together to construct the opening statements, closing arguments, and to decide what tactics to use with each witness.

What I really enjoyed about my roll was having the power to control the direction of the case by asking certain questions from the witnesses. I disliked the workload. It was very hard at times to manage the work and effort required of this case with my other classes.

Ethos, pathos and logos were used as methods of persuasion within this trial. Ethos was used in opening and closing statements to get the jury to relate to Teresa’s case. Instances of pathos were used to make the jury feel fear of Sandy and compassion for Mickey in their examinations. Finally, logos were used in examinations to establish credibility of sources in order to tell the story of this case.

Written by MSTC Written Communication Student, Sage
