In an intense study of the evidence presented in the case, the jury discussed the actions of the defendant. In the situation where the victim was in need of her inhaler and the defendant neglected to aid her until she passed out, this incident of negligent defined the character of the defendant. If the defendant was negligent in this instance, what is to say she wouldn’t be in any other? There was no way the jury could easily determine if the incident was on purpose or not, because the closest witness was 50-100 feet away, it was night and after drinking hours and the witness did not get a good view. The jury discussed that defendant set-up the victim for embarrassment, not murder. The jury concluded that the defendant was found guilty of hazing and involuntary manslaughter. The defendant was found not guilty of first degree murder because they could not prove the defendant pushed the victim off the roof, due to lack of sufficient evidence.
Submitted by Nathan
