
Showing posts from May, 2013

A HUGE thank you to......

Serving on the Jury....

And the verdict is..............

Jury Deliberations - Part 1

What would you do?

Time for closing arguments

Will they believe Chris Archer?

Do you swear to tell the truth? The whole truth and nothing but the truth? The accused Chris Archer takes the stand!

Dr. Jordan Mitchell to the stand please!

And now, back to the trial with Dean Jesse Thomas's testimony...

Let's take a short recess for lunch!

The defense's turn to interview Pat Smith

And the next witness is.....Pat Smith!

Hazing – Are You Aware?


Witness #2 - Tyler Johnson

Witness #1 - Dr. Alex Richards

JUDGE & JURY?? Or Just Judge?

Opening Statements

Meet Our Attorneys!

Anticipation Rises in the Courtoom!!

Before the trial begins...

The big day has finally arrived!!

Prosecution Beware!

Parking on Mock Trial Day is Limited!

Court Room Decorum