
Showing posts from 2012

Ethos, Pathos & Logos Used During the Trial

Juror Spills the Beans: Why she believes Sandy was Innocent!

A Court Room Observor Sides with the Jury

The Use of Persuasion During the Mock Trial

The Mock Trial's Official Camerawoman Records the Proceedings

An Inside Expose' with the Defense Team

A tension filled day in the courtroom

And the jury decides.....Sandy Townsend is NOT GUILTY!

The defense decides to question Sandy a second time

Defendant, Sandy Townsend takes the stand!

Witness #5 - Pat Gonzales

Guilty or Innocent? An inside look into the mind of one jury member.

Meet One of the Editors of the Jeffers City Newspaper

Witness #4 - Gene Wade

Witness #3 - Mickey Jameson

And the proceedings continue...Let's check in with the audience!

The Defense Team Interviews Chris Long

An Overview of the Mock Trial Case

Witness #2 - Prosecution Interviews Chris Long

A Road Map of Witnesses....

Detective Taylor's Final Opinion

Is Detective Taylor lying?

Exhibit 1

Detective Taylor's Testimony - Part 2

Jeffer's City Detective Ray Taylor

The Prosecution's Opening Statement

The Defense's Opening Statement

And you can't have a trial without a.....Jury!

The Attorneys for the Mock Trial

Let's meet some of the mock trial participants

Was Sandy Townsend found guilty today?

Arrive Early!!!

What should I wear??

Jury Duty and Law Terminology

Jury Duty Training

Jury Duty Meeting

Mock Trial Schedule of Events

Parking the Day of the Mock Trial

Courtroom Decourum: How should I act in the courtroom?

What is a Mock Trial?